The Answer for When Things Get Tough: Make Good Art

When was the last time you heard a really good, inspirational talk? I am a bit of a Neil Gaiman fan so I couldn’t help but listen to this. Now I can’t help but share it: Neil Gaiman’s address to the University of  the Arts Class of 2012.

This is about creative work and the challenges of living a creative life–not specifically about polymer or visual arts even, which is great. I think we get so involved (obsessed, perhaps?) in our polymer world that we forget there is inspiration in all kinds of creative corners that can push us in ways we don’t expect. This is not typical subject matter for us but the unexpected and the unusual is needed to keep our minds and ideas about what we do and why we do it fresh and clear.

Thanks to Lisa Rapp (Our reviewer for the All-in-One CaBezels in our most recent issue of The Polymer Arts magazine) for sending it my way via the PCAGOE forum.



  1. Line on May 31, 2012 at 5:52 am

    Watched the video last week, quite inspirational and that quote keeps coming up in my head as I ponder my many thoughts. that one is a keeper.

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