Keep at It

I suspect many more of you than the standard sampling of our world do actually live a life you want and deserve. Being able to practice and create art feeds the soul and fills one’s life with an immense  joy that is hard to find in other work–certainly for those of us for which creating is as intrinsic as sleeping, eating, and breathing. But in the studio, there are projects, techniques, forms, and even deadlines that challenge us to a point that we want to give up. So whether its the life you have at the moment or a particular aspect of your art you struggle with, remember, you can achieve what you dream of. It is within your reach, in some form, in some significant way. And besides, it’s the challenges and the hope of overcoming them that really gets us up in the morning. If there was nothing to strive for, it wouldn’t be living and what we do wouldn’t be art.




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  1. Sharon on July 15, 2013 at 7:14 am

    Thank you so much for this wonderful post. It really resonates with me right now. I think I just may print it out and put it up over my work bench to remind me every day just how important the artistic part of my life is.

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