Vertical Landscape

Since I used our Saturday post for the announcement of the next issue being on the way,  we are technically short some art for this week so we will forgone some words of wisdom using a great quote and just enjoy some nice art.

Mike Buesseler was a pioneer in polymer clay back in the day. He’s hasn’t done anything in quite a while but when he did work with clay, he worked heavily in mica shift and landscapes.

This vertical triptych of his is one of my favorites. It’s not complicated and the process he used is pretty obvious but it’s a fantastic image that doesn’t need embellishment or distraction. It does take some talent to know when simple says it best



So that is my share for you this Sunday. My offered words of wisdom are just “simple can be the best option”. Work on knowing when to stop, when not to embellish and just let an image speak for itself.

Now back to enjoying sunny and mild November afternoon here in Colorado.



  1. Monique U. (A Half-Baked Notion) on November 17, 2013 at 3:52 pm

    Good words that bear repeating, because we forget them often, and complicate art unnecessarily at times.

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