Choosing Polymer

David Vanover is not a polymer artist. He is a jewelry artist. Sometimes he uses polymer. Sometimes he does not. The thing is, when he uses polymer, he uses it well and when it is needed. Although he has worked in more complex pieces in years past, I find his more recent and simpler pieces use a well-balanced restraint that is really to be admired. Pieces like this brooch, with just enough complexity in the polymer inlay to keep your attention yet an open silver shine to pull you out without distracting you from the focus, would be hard to improve upon.


I bring David into the theme this week because bringing up his work gives me a chance to touch on the role of our medium in what we do. Many of us are so enamored with the medium of polymer that we have no desire to work with anything else. Still others find themselves in a purist mindset, where branching out and using other mediums makes us feel like we’re cheating on our first love. For many others, we have limitations in our lives that make polymer the only reasonable choice. All of these reasons are restrictions though and some are not necessary. I only want to put out there that if you feel your vision could be better expressed with the aid of, or wholly through, another medium, you should allow yourself to explore those options–when real world restrictions won’t stop you, of course.

The bottom line is, we make art. What we make it from is not important except when it comes to the material being able to support our ability to express ourselves. After four decades of exploring a myriad of ways and materials through which to express myself, the only thing I have found that is constantly true is that it is the ability to create that matters most at the end of the day, not the material and sometimes not even what was made.

So, does David Vanover belong in a week dedicated to men working in polymer? I think so. He does certainly belong in a week about men who create art and appreciate this one particular medium that has grabbed and held the imagination of so very many of us.

David’s art jewelry can be admired on his Flickr page and in his Etsy shop.


pg collage 13-P3 Fall 2013



  1. Himalaya Polymer on September 27, 2013 at 2:17 am

    Really an artist can gives any shapes to any one rather than it is A Gold or a Polymer. really nice art.

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