Adorable Surprise

I have seen fantasy snails and, of course, fantastic fairies in polymer but I think this is the first fantasy snail fairy I’ve seen. It’s make you stop and ponder the idea. The logical side of my brain says that’s just silly–poor fairy would be just dragging that shell around behind her all the time–but then you look at that sweet little face and decide it doesn’t matter.

This little sculpture is by Celia Harris. It’s an example of how the element of surprise can take a nice piece to an even more interesting level.  In this case, it is combining things you don’t usually think of together. This can be tricky–the two elements do have to have some kind of connection. In this case, these are nature’s creatures, part of one that exists, part of one that may or may not exist–who’s to say for certain! I like to think anything is possible.


Enjoy a fantastical stroll through Celia’s galleries on her website today and maybe start thinking of your own wonderful surprising combinations.


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  1. Esday on June 22, 2014 at 3:48 am

    J’adore cette idée du petit escargot. Il est magnifique.

    J’ai fait le même principe mais avec un papillon, le corps étant un visage, les cheveux les ailes d’un papillon. On peut le voir sur mon blog.

    Je me régale à chaque fois sur votre blog.

  2. Andi C. on June 22, 2014 at 6:41 am

    Thank you for posting such interesting and inspiring works of art! I am amazed by the patience and skill it takes to create something so beautiful, but the tiny details on her little Fairies’ faces – wow!
    I look forward to your newsletters and your endless inspiration 🙂

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