A Collection of Toggles

Have you been having fun guessing the materials this week and thinking of ways to create these beautiful pieces in polymer? Well, here is a whole array of pieces to take a guess at. We are all on our own here as the Live Journal post doesn’t list what is what or how these pieces were created. This whole post is an interesting collection of inspiration for a polymer contest that revolved around art accessories embellished with the use of texture stamps.


According to the Russian translation describing these pieces, they are made from ceramics, polymer, and/or metals. To read more about the competition and artwork submitted, take a look at the translated website. Enjoy!


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Cover 13-P4 web    PCW_flower tile canes  WhimsicalBead051512



  1. Sage on January 29, 2014 at 12:58 pm

    Christine Damm wrote to add this about some of the toggles above: “Those pieces are the beautiful artwork of my friend Mary Harding and they are ceramic. She is also enjoying polymer these days and credits my class as helping her discover her ‘inner polymer child.’ I’m very flattered by that. She is an amazing artist.” 🙂

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