Pushing the Triangle

This week I thought we’d look at pushing basic forms, triangles in particular. Triangles are the strongest form in nature. The three straight sides meet and push against each other so that the structure doesn’t move. It is also a form based on the number three which represents balance or completeness in many cultures and religions. But a triangle can be much more than three straight sides. How can you move beyond the basic shape and push it to be something more than the static, yet stable form we traditionally think of.

For instance, in this pin by Carol Beal, the usual static feel of a triangle is given a dynamic perk by taking a corner and sweeping it in a gentle curve. The interior shapes also echo this sweep, increasing the sense of movement up and off to the side.


Carol looks to be still exploring polymer and all its possibilities. She has work on her Flickr page and her Etsy shop.


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