The Equine Attitude on Scrap Clay

Tornstrom scrap horsesThe gallery section of the Fall issue of The Polymer Arts has the most wonderful work in it, many pieces that are brand new and were first sent out to us. I feel so privileged when artists do that and in the case of two of them, the entire collection they sent were not only new but showed a distinct turn and amazing growth in their work.

EvaMarie Törnström is one of those this issue. We talked back in the beginning of the year and determined it would be best to wait until Fall as she felt she would have some new and different work on the way this year. And was she ever. She went from playfully representational to joyfully expressive and fantastical. In our pages you’ll see her horses basically doing gymnastics, playing chess and standing in such intensely emotive poses you can feel the joy or love as it may be just pulling at your heartstrings. I wish I could have put in everything.

This horse set seen here did not make it into our gallery but was definitely hard to set aside. I love the stance and the simple black forms with the sudden burst of color in Stroppel and other canes. This may be the first time I’ve seen Stroppel cane on a sculpture and the lines of it are perfect for energizing the sculpture without going overboard. Or as EvaMarie says, it brings “joy to your eyes!”

I also really like what EvaMarie has to say about what she does. “If I should work with [polymer] without any boundaries I would go crazy because of all the possibilities. Therefore I have limited myself to make horses.” That is not a bad guideline. How many of us go nuts over all polymer could do and that we want to try?

She also specializes in making equine portraits, creating one of a kind sculptures of people’s beloved horses, focusing on sculpting not just their likeness but their personality by either meeting the horse or having the owners answer questions about how the horses are and what makes them happy.

Get close up images of some of the horses in our gallery section, as well as her wonderful blog posts this past month on the Stroppel cane horse, showing you how she did it on EvaMarie’s website. 


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