Black and White Chaos

laura schiller Black and white tangleI challenged you all on my last post to create something without color. For some people, this is not a problem, for others, this would feel like a serious handicap. Years ago I would have thought Laura Schiller, a member of my local guild in the Denver area, the Mile Hi Polymer Clay Guild (my apologies for being a rather absent member!), would have had trouble leaving color behind. Her work has always been a riot of color. But then out of the blue, she started creating these zentagle-like clay pieces with nothing but black and white. Do you see what I mean about how other design elements become so important when you leave color behind?

Yes, this is a little chaotic. Okay, a lot chaotic, but art doesn’t have restrictions on subject matter or style. And with something like this, it might be that the process is the more important aspect. Can you imagine how lost in your work you must be to do something so complex and busy? That’s not a bad place to be.

If you are up for a riot of color and chaos, and like eggs–the decorated kind which is Laura’s distinguishing form of decorative art–jump over to her Flickr pages. It will certainly brighten up your Monday!


Inspirational Challenge of the Day: Let go and get lost in your work. Don’t plan or think about it. Pull out 2-3 colors of clay and just play. Layout a sheet as a base or a vase or something to just add things to and see where it takes you.


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