What We Build

I’m actually surprised that more urban polymer artists don’t look out their windows and want to reflect back the cityscape around them. What human beings have created is incredible. We build both functional and artistic structures all over the globe, forever changing the landscape with our huge buildings, bridges, and ports. Some may find this sad as it represents an absence of nature’s creations, but we too are from nature and our creations are still part of this world. We can’t stop the progress of civilization, but at least we can celebrate the beauty we add.

Ana Belchi celebrates the cityscape through a series of pins she created. Nature gets its say in this piece with the added patina and rust, representative of time and corrosion.

Ana Belchí 0273

Ana goes through a whole series of experiments with patina, which you can find on her blog. She is a wide-ranging polymer artist with beautiful finishes. Take a look over the pieces in her store as well.


pg collage 13-P3 Fall 2013


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