Train the Mind to Create


Or, for the artist, your education is not the learning of skills, but the training of the mind to create.

When learning from a tutorial or class, getting down the skills being taught is important to your future success with the central techniques; but the most valuable take away will come when you ask why the technique is done the way it is done, and how you can integrate it into your present work or work you would like to explore more. It is the asking of questions, not just the absorption of steps that will bring you to create artwork, not just recreate craft.

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  1. Pat Hart on June 2, 2013 at 9:42 pm

    Your last sentence really makes the point, Sage.
    Think I’ll write it on a few post-its and stick around the studio as a reminder 🙂 Thanks!

    • Sage on June 2, 2013 at 11:59 pm

      I have a few such reminders in my studio as well. Glad it struck a chord with you! 🙂

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