No Such Thing As Perfect

I’m never perfectly satisfied when I send an issue of The Polymer Arts off to be printed. There is always a thing or two (or ten) that I feel could have been done better. I also know that to give into the inclination to make everything perfect would mean never getting it out the door or always be very unhappy. This is true of any artistic work.  So, instead, we need to do our best in a time frame that makes it reasonable for its intended end purpose (to sell, to gift, to wear ourselves) and then let it go out into the worldto be what it will be.


A great sentiment and a colorful image quote to end our colorful week. Thank you to Paula K. Gilbert, my longest standing staffer on the magazine,  for sending me this image and for always being so  encouraging and enthusiastic.


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  1. Debbie G on May 12, 2013 at 3:41 pm

    A great thought to keep in mind always. Thanks for bringing it back to the forefront of mine.

    Sometimes I wonder if there is sometimes a ‘too perfect’. Much of the love we have for things that are handmade is the clear evidence that it is not machine made and therefore ‘perfect’. Often a slight wonkyness is what gives an item it’s charm. But I will admit… it’s a fine line. And only in certain circumstances…

  2. Iris Mishly on May 12, 2013 at 10:57 pm

    Totally feel the same. At some point we just have to let go 🙂
    I tell myself that a part of being an artist and doing HANDMADE, means things can be 99.9%, it’s part of the beauty of it!


  3. Tracy Holmes on May 13, 2013 at 4:32 pm

    Thanks for this, Saje. You’re thoughts are a real good reminder that we can’t let perfecshun rule us in everything we due. Some times you just have to be your own perfectly imperfect self, because its who you really r.


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