The Arrangement of Color

The arrangement of your color schemes can be as important as the color choices themselves. Here is an example of using two kinds of color schemes but arranging them for the most impact.

In this brilliantly colored necklace by Kristie Foss, the color scheme moves from the analogous colors purple and red to complementary colors as the deep red bleeds into its opposing color on the color wheel, a bright green. The contrast is not just in the the choice of base color but the red is also darker and leaning towards purple while the green is lighter and leaning towards purple’s opposite, yellow.



This same dramatic impact can be accomplished even when the complementary colors are not right next to each other in the piece. In this flower brooch of Kristie’s she has purple changing to a dark then light blue and then we’re hit by a contrasting yellow which takes over the center of the flow. With the broadest swathes of pure color being the yellow in the center and the purple covering the edges, the impact from the complementary colors still works and it doesn’t hurt that blue and yellow are tertiary (colors a third of the color wheel away from each other) which adds touch more impact as well.



Krisite really does love her color and creates lovely combinations. You can check out more of her work and yummy colors on her blog here.



  1. Kristie Foss on May 8, 2013 at 6:26 am

    Thank you so much! I enjoy reading your blog, and It’s such a pleasure to be included. As you can tell, I really do love color, and have such fun developing my blends and combinations. Color – and the ability to create any shade I want – was one of the main reasons I was first drawn to polymer.

  2. DebbieG on May 8, 2013 at 7:00 am

    Love this blog. Love the thoughtful posts. Love the way you show an example, and clearly explain what’s happening, and the principles of how it works. Thank you!

    All of Kristie’s work just sings with color.

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